The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88646   Message #1665070
Posted By: Crystal
09-Feb-06 - 05:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
Subject: RE: BS: oestrogen...alternative remedies
Hi Janie,
Lack of oestrogen can cause a whole range of problems, although the worst one if you are British is osteoperosis (brittle bones, I'm not too good with spelling!). If you break your hip here a replacement is counted as "Elective surgary" (I'm not sure how it works in America) and you could be in hospital for weeks waiting for them to fix it, probably getting pressure sores because you will be have the surgary "tomorrow" for the next two weeks and so not need an air mattress!
This is a sore point with me, my grandmother died of a hospital aquired infection when she was kept waiting a week without an air mattress for a hip operation.

Lack of oestrogen can also cause depression, sexual dysfunction, and incontinance. Some sources say that Ginko Biloba extract can help, although there may be contraindications if you are taking other suppliments.