The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17285   Message #166565
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
22-Jan-00 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: Festivals. Any national differences?
Subject: RE: Festivals. Any national differences?
I've not been to any festivals outside the US, but have been to several in Washington state, and also here in Kansas.

Mudjack, do you camp? Do you like bluegrass/country/old timey music? Check out the Mt. St. Helen's festival if you do. There's a camping fee, but if I remember correctly, the jams are free--and there're a lot of jams. We had a great time when we attended. I agree, Folklife is a blast, but the crowds always wore me down... interesting stuff, though, huh?

In Kansas, the Winfield Music Festival is the biggie, of course--definitely not free, but incredibly free-spirited. Non-stop jamming, visiting, listening, and kicking back, 24 hours a day. Fantastic! Two huge campgrounds. Great performers, if you've a mind to sit and listen for a bit at one of the five stages. Great jams, if you've a mind to lug your guitar, bass, harmonica, accordian, bodhran, whatever around the campgrounds for a while. And many, many friendly people enjoying all kinds of music. Highly recommended!