The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88695   Message #1665768
Posted By: artbrooks
10-Feb-06 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
Subject: RE: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
The CNN article that Janie pointed to says this: In a letter to Libby's lawyers, obtained by CNN, special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said it is his understanding that Libby testified he was "authorized to disclose information about the National Intelligence Estimate to the press by his superiors." and this: A legal source involved in the case tells CNN that Libby did not testify to and has never suggested that anyone in the administration -- including Cheney -- authorized disclosing the name of CIA agent Valerie Plame. So, we peons can still only speculate.