The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88695   Message #1665785
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
10-Feb-06 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
Subject: RE: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
They make it sound so innocent and apple pie. The glaring question with believing that Libby was merely encouraged to share parts of the NIE with the public is how the heck then did Valerie Plame's name get brought up then??

And the defense that she was no one of consequence only hurts Libby because then there certainly was no reason or need for him to speak of her at all if he had not intended to get back at Joe Wilson.

That Cheney was neck-deep in this there can be little doubt. It would be shocking to think that he wouldn't be. All roads lead to Cheney--too many of them in fact--and it is just a matter of time.