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Thread #88694   Message #1665969
Posted By: Teribus
10-Feb-06 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
In reading the link supplied by LH, I was surprised at the awe in which the author held the Russian air-defence system that he claims the Iranians have. Is this the same type of "state-of-the-art" air defence system that the Coalition Forces swept aside in Iraq in 1991, obviously it will have been updated, but then again so has the US armoury and probably at a significantly higher degree. The author also seems to place undue importance on numbers, in modern warfare they do not tend to matter as much as they did previously, especially when you have no intention of 'occupying' territory.

The proposed disposition of forces he recommends prior to the "US Attack" could not be carried out without notice. The Iranian submarines (all two of them) are conventional diesel-electric boats, their supposed adversaries were designed, trained and equipped, to fight the largest and most powerfull submarine fleet in the world (Soviet Northern Red Banner Fleet). Following the dispositions as recommended I would measure the live expectancy of those submarines in hours. The Missile Patrol Boats would not fare much better, as to fire their missiles they must first obtain target information in order to obtain a firing solution. That means turning something on, again their supposed adversaries were designed, trained and equipped, to counter the largest and most powerfull army in the world, the Red Army in Europe. The Missile Patrol Boat's electronic emmissions would be detected instantly, aircraft from the carrier's Combat Air Patrols would do the rest.

The author's assumption that there are no internal points of friction within Iran is erroneous, there are in fact many, but the two most significant are the Iranian Kurds and the Iranian Arabs, both factions are not overly keen on their Persian lords and masters.