The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88694   Message #1666156
Posted By: number 6
10-Feb-06 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
"More likely, Iran strikes back at Rome or Athens, the EU gets upset and drops a nuclear bomb in the oilfields and it burns for the next 150 years..." ... you are correct Beardedbruce

"Before this war starts a truce will be called because the panepidemic will be upon us creating a greater catastrophe than a blood and guts shootout." ... more than likely Beer.

"Well before any of this carnage goes down I am going to the Cash and Carry, wholesalers later.
Does anyone want me to pick them up a anything in the way of Bunker supplies. " ... smart thinkin' Jude

"Only the USA, Iran or Israel are megalomaniac and irresponsible enough to pre-emptively drop a nuclear bomb on someone else, in my opinion..." ... damned foolish assumption L.H.

"being 17 as of now i may have to start thinking about how i'll dodge the draft..." ... better start runnin' up here to Canada right now Goodbar!

"I knew Iranians in college. They were good people, good Muslims, but not terribly serious about it." ... I knoew some Americans back in college, and still do now as a matter of fact, and they certainly are not all war mongers, or hell bent for wildfire wackos.
