The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88694   Message #1666158
Posted By: Amos
10-Feb-06 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Teribus provides a sober balance of facts (which I accept at face value not having the time to look them up) to counter the arm-waving fiction offered in both these scenarios.

But here is the larger problem.

The contemplation of this war, developing scenes and counter-scenes, all the parts analysis, depends wholly on the postulate of agreement that this war IS taking place and will manifest physically.

I reject such a proposition.

Let us consider instead the notion that the outland ex-VP of Iran manages to oust the tendentious and bellicose President, by sparking an indigenous uprising.

The government falls to the rebels, and they establish a government committed to prosperity trade and firm but moderate religously-derived ethics, including such precepts as peace, responsibility, tolerance and gradually move forward on major social issues including the balance of rights between men and women, for example, and the right to free speech in a non-violent social framework.

Suppose instead of these war-mongering phantasms, we see the ancient wisdom of Persia come forward in new raiment, to generate a BETTER democracy than the sadly undermined one we use here in the US.

How'j'a like THEM apples?