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Thread #88694   Message #1666198
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Feb-06 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Yes, individual people everywhere vary greatly, but what about the overall educational system in a country, and how it propagandizes the young to believe in war?

I have been in both the American and Canadian school systems. I know from firsthand experience that the former emphasizes and glorifies extreme patriotic militarism, while the latter barely focuses on it at all.

That's what I'm talking about.

American political candidates feel compelled to flash their military credentials in order to get elected...they all pretend to be "John Wayne" totin' a gun and wearin' a badge and gittin' ready to fight the "bad guys". Canadian politicians simply don't do that at all. Never. Nada.

It's a basic difference in psychology that goes very deep. Aggressive military messianic nationalistic systems use the public schools to indoctrinate the young to fight in future wars. Germany did it. Rome did it. Great Britain did it in the Empire days. I saw that done bigtime in the USA. I have never seen it done in Canada. You would not find it done in Sweden, Holland, present-day Spain, Italy, etc... You would definitely see it done in Israel and Iran. That's what I'm talking about. It's not a case in those counries of "if we have a war"'s "when we have the NEXT war..."

That's what I am referring to.