The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17302   Message #166620
Posted By: Pinetop Slim
22-Jan-00 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: Songs of hope and healing
Subject: RE: BS: Songs of hope and healing
MaryG: When I wrote '"come to your life like a warrior" would be a slap in the face to somebody really hurting,' I was thinking of somebody whose pain couldn't be dulled even by a handful of percocet with a morphine-drip chaser. Not fair to ask someone in that state to be warrior -- at least not without trying to ease pain and build up spirit beforehand. To all: Just reading the titles you've posted is inspiring. Alas, there are several I'm not familiar with and some -- e.g. "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," the first one I checked -- are absent from the DT. Can/should that be changed? There's abundance of hospice-appropriate material here, less for Hope Center. Is it fair to ask for more on the theme of "songs to play when you're on the way to a CAT scan" (insert your frightening medical procedure of choice)? More songs of courage, maybe some to remind patients they can count on a friend?