The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88694   Message #1666586
Posted By: number 6
10-Feb-06 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
"You will also have to get rid of the corporate leaders and the politicians, because a whole lot of this is driven by money"

Yeah, then we would be out of our jobs, for those who have jobs. Then we would have no more medicare or social services. In short our infrastructure that we have come to luv so much will disappear, and admit it we do luv it and are used to it, sitting here on our computer systems connected to a high speed service, munchin on our granny smith apples that have been imported from some other place on the continent, listening to one of our favourite cds that has been manufactured in some high tech plastics company on our Japanese sound systems manufacured somewhere in the Orient by a low paid worker more than likely living in a totalatarian government. Yes,nice and comfy, well entertained, our bellies full, safe and sound in our relatively civilized society that is realtively free with everything at our disposal. Ya know something I aint complaining about the life we live here. Sure, it has it's faults and there certainly is room for improvement, and ya know what, most of the non free world would love to have our lives.

