The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17318   Message #166682
Posted By: Mike Regenstreif
22-Jan-00 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Blowin' in the Wind (Bob Dylan)
Subject: RE: Who wrote this famous Dylan song?
"Blowin' In the WInd" was indeed written by Bob Dylan.

Years ago, there was a story going around that it was actually written by songwriter Lorre Wyatt when he was in high school.

As I recall the story, Wyatt had heard the song, learned it and brought it to his high school folk music club where he didn't contradict the assumption that he himself had written it.

Soon there were rumors all around that Dylan had stolen the song from a high school kid.

Years later, Wyatt 'fessed up to the whole thing in an article he wrote for Sing Out! Magazine.

Mike Regenstreif