The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1666942
Posted By: Arne
12-Feb-06 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign

Instead I am tasked with having to provide you with an example where, within the completely arbitrary period that "Ron the always-right" selected, the US Administration made the categoric statement that Saddam Hussein had nothing whatsoever to with those attacks. I believe I did so.

Ummmm .... *thinking back* .... ummmm, no, Teribus, actually, you didn't.

Some random OT stuff:

In 1968, Ron, the "vast majority" of US Air Force, Army, Marine, ANG and US Navy pilots were servicing the requirements of a little thing called the "Cold War", i.e. keeping an eye on Russia.

Yeah. Patrolling the Gulf of Mexico for errant Carcharhinus Sovietus (the fearsome Rusky Shark). Or taking "training flights" over to the Sunshine State and hauling back plants of some kind or another (did this have anything to do with his sagging fitness ratings?). Anyone around at the time knows what a NG posting was good for at the time, and there's hardly any dispute what the "Champagne Unit" was all about.

But, just a FYI, I posted above a link to Dubya's undisputed "do not volunteer" for overseas duty (and you dutifully ignored it). Now most people would understand that -- at the time it was signed -- for what it was.....
