The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17311   Message #166740
Posted By: Mbo
22-Jan-00 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: poet songs
Subject: RE: poet songs
Almost all the songs I write are poems by noted (and not so noted) poets that I put music too--including Scott's "Lochingar," & "MacGregor's Gathering," Alexander Anderson's "Toshie Norrie," Doyle's "The Franklin's Maid," and other poems by personal favs John Keegan Casey, Samuel Ferguson, and James Clarence Mangan, and many others. I'm LI (Lyrically Impaired) and this is the only way I can write music--and from the feedback I've gotten here (including Gargoyle) that my music is very good. I got a ton o' more poems I've yet to do just waiting for me...
