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Thread #87545   Message #1667881
Posted By: Teribus
13-Feb-06 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
To Arne and Ron,

I would suggest you read my post:

Ron's arbitrary time period was mid-summer 2002 until March 2003.

The period I have detailed runs from 11th September, 2001 until the present day.

Now, whereas I can provide clear examples of where members of the US Administration have stated categorically that Saddam Hussein/Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with the attacks of 11th September, 2001. Ron Davies cannot come up with a single instance to substantiate his statement. Very much the same as the thing about Lt. G. W. Bush's fellow Students at OTU, that most were going to Vietnam (Pure invention by Ron) was just thrown in for effect, completely untrue. Leopards do not tend to change their spots, if someone is prepared to state something that they deliberately know to be false (You know it's false because they refuse point blank to make any attempt to substantiate it) in order to put across a point, my take on that is that if they can do it once, they in all probability will do it again.

So Ron, as with the pilot thing, please cite ONE, just ONE instance where any member of the US Administration has stated that there was any connection between SH and 911, the period from 11/09/01 to Present Day.

Also for Arne and Ron, the gist of the Meet the Press interview with Dick Cheney from 8 Sept 2002, was that he was reminded of his stated categoric view that Saddam had nothing to do with 911, then asked if anything had come to light that would cause him to change that view. Dick Cheney stated quite clearly in that interview, broadcast across America on 8th September 2002, that there was nothing, he still believed that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 911. Now Ron and Arne might not like that, but that's in effect what was said, that was the message I got from reading the transcripts of the interview, as opposed to the reports of the interview and selective sound bites pushed by the Network and read as gospel by Ron and Arne.

Oh Arne, on the subject of ANG unit dispositions, taking into account that their role is to provide additional resources to the air defence of the United States of America, where exactly would have them stationed? Height of the "Cold War", Soviet Russia, Cuba, need any more clues?