The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17311   Message #166798
Posted By: M. Ted (inactive)
22-Jan-00 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: poet songs
Subject: RE: poet songs
I remind gently that most poetry was once sung and accompanied by music, this is still true of poetry written in non-English literatures--for the best of the English composer poets, don't forget Thomas Campion--

Dear old Uncle Ezra Pound was very keen on the idea of bringing music back to poetry, and wrote music for some of his work--I don't have anything at my fingertips now, but if you are interested, I can make some calls--

Also, don't forget Vachel Lindsay (With a Boom-lay-boom-lay-boom-lay boom!) and of course, the Fugs, who did some interesting things with such as "Ah, Sunflower" and "How Sweet I Roamed from Field to Field" and Swineburne's "Atalanta in Calydon"

I think that this is a really important thing to do, Susan, and, I hope that others see the wonderful possibilities, and look for their own ways to do this--

I have been very pleased to hear from Mbo about his work in setting melodies to poems , and am glad to see that his interest in this seems to be contagious--

I am reading an old collection of poetry just now, from 1899, called "Vers du Societe" edited by Carolyn Wells--

I understand that it was a favorite of Ira Gershwin, Cole Porter, and others, Gershwin was inspired to write when he discovered that a number of the verses were really songs--