The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1668072
Posted By: Arne
14-Feb-06 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Ron D.: "I'd like a red plaid shirt please."

Teribus: "Here you are, sir, one ham sandwich. That'll be five pounds."

Ron D.: "I didn't ask for a ham sandwich. I want a shirt!"

Teribus: "Well. (puts sandwich away) Five pounds, please."

Ron D.: "Five pounds? For what???"

Teribus: "For the sandwich, sir."

Ron D.: "But I don't want a sandwich!"

Teribus: "Oh, no problem. Why, I even took it back."

(pause) (Ron D. shifts unconfortably)

Teribus: "The five pounds, sir. I have to tally the books."

Ron D.: (exasperated) "Five pounds for what? Where's my shirt?"

Teribus: "I gave you your sandwich. Now, do I need to call a bobby?"

Some scripts just write themselves. Should Monty Python need to visit the muse, I'll send 'em your way, Teribus.

* * * * *

Also for Arne and Ron, the gist of the Meet the Press interview with Dick Cheney from 8 Sept 2002, was that he was reminded of his stated categoric view that Saddam had nothing to do with 911, then asked if anything had come to light that would cause him to change that view. Dick Cheney stated quite clearly in that interview, broadcast across America on 8th September 2002, that there was nothing, he still believed that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 911.

Oh, nonsense. This has been beat to death. You know, if you want to say what Cheney said, it would be appropriate to say what Cheney said, not what you think he said (or what you want him to have said). Forget the "gist of [it]". That's your dishonest spin. His words are there to be seen. And nowhere there does he say that he thinks that "Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 911".   His main claim seems to be that the evidence isn't dispositive about a Saddam involvement, but there's nothing there that indicates that he thinks (supported by evidence or otherwise) that Saddam wasn't involved. I really don't care much what you "got" from the interview, BTW, Teribus. Your reading comprehension difficulties are not my concern. It does concern me that you think that a 'paraphrase' is necessary when the actual words are at hand.

As for ANG unit disposition, yeah, he was protecting the vulnerable U.S. underbelly from shark attack. But I notice you ignored his "do not volunteer", didntcha?
