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Thread #88694   Message #1669871
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Feb-06 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Quite aside from the double standard problem ("I'm sane and aren't...therefore I will kill you if you try to arm yourself against me in anything like an equal fashion."), who would react well to a line like that coming from an already established deadly enemy? LOL! Would you?

But quite aside from that...what they are presently doing is enriching small amounts of Uranium to fuel a nuclear reactor to make electric power. There is no proof whatsoever that they are building A-bombs, nor is there any proof suggesting they can. They would need much more highly enriched Uranium in far larger amounts to build bombs. They are estimated to have a mere fraction of the centrifuges required for such an effort.

You cannot justify killing an entire country for making fuel for a nuclear reactor when the NPT gives them the legal right to do so! Which it does.

You have established a Catch-22, just like was done with Saddam. You want the Iranians to prove that something doesn't exist. If it doesn't, how will they prove it to those who don't care about proof? Saddam did not have the WMD. I doubt the Iranians do either, and I don't think they're anywhere near it.

However, I may be wrong. Are you willing to admit also that you may be wrong?

If so, you are contemplating killing a lot of people over doing what they already have the legal right to under the NPT, and what is no threat to anyone...using a nuclear power plant to provide electricity.

This may be another snow job to set the stage for a war, just like the phony Iraqi baby-killing story from the first Gulf War, just like the phony WMD scare from the 2nd Iraq war.