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Thread #88694   Message #1670208
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Feb-06 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
You have stated the very points I had in mind, Petr.

I find it ironical that Iran is being accused in the media as if they were violating the NPT, when in fact they are not violating it!   They ARE allowed by the NPT to enrich Uranium to the point where it can be used to fuel their nuclear reactor and make electricity. (It requires far higher enrichment of Uranium to make a bomb.) I guess the people running the media figure the general public is just too uninformed and too distracted and just plain too ignorant to notice that little discrepancy! (and, yes, they are...)

So...a nation which is not violating its NPT obligations is being accused by the USA (and various others) as if it was violating its treaty obligations. Clever. Who would notice that the accusation is not true, when they assume it MUST be true?

Accordingly, Iran is getting mad and saying they will withdraw from the NPT. This is foolish on their part, because it plays directly into the hands of the USA, which can then say..."See? We told you they were outlaws!"

The only way Iran could temporarily defuse this crisis would be to shut down and dismantle all their nuclear facilities. This they obviously will not do. Would anyone else do it under the same circumstances? Hell, no.

The Iranians have said inflammatory things, yes. So have the Americans and Israelis. The Israelis have repeatedly spoken of launching a pre-emptive attack on Iran. Countries that openly speak of attacking their neighbours are usually not complimented for it by the world community, but it depends who they are and who is issuing the compliments, doesn't it?

Double standard.

The "good guys" (America, the UK, and Israel) are always allowed to attack whomever they want, whenever they want, however they want...because they are presumably..."good". The "bad guys" (Iran, Syria, Iraq, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and whoever else comes later, and someone WILL)...ahhhh...that's a different story! They are NOT allowed to attack anyone or even threaten to at some point without being ass-whupped by the Superpower. They are not even allowed to produce fuel for their own nuclear reactor within the terms of the NPT that they are signatory to. They are not allowed to have weapons which would give them the capability to fight back effectively if invaded.

Nope. Bad guys have no rights. Bad guys are not really human. They have swarthy skin and facial hair. They were funny clothes.   They're all insane, and can't be trusted. They're not like you and me. They're just vermin, to be exterminated the moment they try to exercise what might be termed "assumptions of equality".

Thus were the colored races dealt with by the Whites in the great colonial age of European expansion across the globe. Little has really changed.