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Thread #88694   Message #1670399
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Feb-06 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
I don't necessarily think that it would make things better for Iran, Peace. But...from their point of view, if they had a few nukes, and the ability to deliver them to targets such as Tel Aviv or the American 6th fleet off their shores...then it would be far less likely that the USA or Israel would dare to launch a first strike on Iran. It would prove too costly.

I presume that is how the Iranians would see it. And not too surprising if they did see it that way.

Right now, there is little (in a military sense) stopping the USA and Israel from attacking Iran...once the decision is made. I think it would be a stupid decision, mind you, but that's just my opinion. Bush and the Israelis may not see it that way.

Once India got the bomb, Pakistan felt obliged to have it too. That's the way it goes with regional rivalry. The Muslim nations all know Israel has it, and they all feel like they must play second fiddle as long as that is the case.

Israel never signed the NPT. Israel basically does whatever they want to, regardless of what anyone thinks, and no one can do anything about it. The Muslims are keenly aware of that. Naturally, they desire parity with Israel.

I would just love it if everyone stopped building nukes, but I can't make that happen. Why does the World not demand that Israel reveal its nuclear weaponry and submit to international inspection and regulation? Because the USA more or less runs the World, that's why. Israel is treated as a nation of equal human beings by the USA. Muslim countries are treated like nations of not very desirable vermin in comparison. It's a double standard.