The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88834   Message #1670449
Posted By: wysiwyg
16-Feb-06 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: Seamus Kennedy's new CD
Subject: RE: Seamus Kennedy's new CD
When Seamus sings, it's just so GOOD for you-- but it isn't at all like medicine!

On this CD more than the others I have the pleasure of enjoying, I can appreciate the range of vocal talent and skills needed to span this set of songs. Each of them present their own technical difficulties... taken as a group, it's far more than any one person ought, logically, to be able to manage. Yet there he goes, skating over the top of the challenges they offer, and phrasing everything for complete clarity and beautiful expression.

After years of touring and entertaining folks, Seamus' voice has only gained in rich experience, whereas most voices would long since have dried into gritty dust under a schedule like his, and blown away with the wind. When Seamus sings, if I even try to sing along I get a vocalist's workshop worth more than all the voice lessons I ever paid for.

My favorite on the CD is Carrickfergus. It all sounds perfectly REAL when Seamus casts himself in its starring role-- except that I'm pretty sure that even on the worst day on the road, Seamus would be having considerably more fun. :~)

He has accused me of gushing when I write about his music (shut UP dear man) (sit on him, would you please, Mick!), but the simple truth is that there is no one who can move me, or make me laugh, or make me think-- or make me glad to be a Mudcatter-- like our Seamus when he sings.


PS, Seamus, if you don't want me to gush, better send me the puppy-voice stuff. Forthwith. In fact, please send it anyway! :~)