The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88694   Message #1670939
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
17-Feb-06 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Why do national leaders always approach this kind of problem from the confrontational POV?

Would it not be far simpler, and far safer to take the obvious path to a peaceful solution?

The Iranians have stated that all they want is to use nuclear power to produce energy.

Why not approach their leaders and suggest the following: "Dismantle your expensive enrichment program and build your power stations and the US, the UK, and Russia will supply you free of charge all the fuel you need to operate them".

If they did not accept this, then suspicions about their real intentions would be more credible. If they did, problem solved, and the cost would be a lot less than the cost of military action.

They could then be given uranium, enriched to power grade, so that they would have enough spare not to be vulnerable to supplies being suddenly cut off.

Can anyone suggest a reason why this would not be a good solution, and improve relations between Iran and the West.

The same idea might work well for improving the economies of other third world nations too, and reduce the threat of a nuclear holocaust.

As a shared venture between the major nuclear powers, the cost would in any case be minimal, and could be considered as a valid aid program.......IMO of course.

Don T.