The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75631   Message #1671331
Posted By: katlaughing
17-Feb-06 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oh, no! I'm unemployed again.
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no! I'm unemployed again.

Thank you for letting us know where you've been and how you've been over the past few months.

If it were me, I would run from the job you described, esp. as you have said you would not last long under her thumb. Some things are just not worth what they do to us. Offering to work freelance for her sounds like a better idea, to me.

I know several center-aged people who have great degrees, lots of experience, etc. and have not been able to find jobs, mostly because of qualifying for higher salaries and age. It's not fair, nor legal, but it happens all of the time, as you have found.

I don't know your living situation, but have you considered looking into alternative places where you could provide a service in exchange for living space and/or health insurance? There are some great and meaningful opportunities listed in the Caretaker's Gazette. Not all of them are short-term nor just caretaking property; some are co-operatives in which each person owns a part of the land and gives in ways they are able, etc. Just a suggestion.

One other question, have you ever tried to qualify for social security disability? Once one receives it, medicare/aid(?) is available, I think it is after 1-2 years. I know, that doesn't make any sense to me..if one is disabled, one would presumably need the medical coverage immediately, but such is the way of our system.

Also, I have a subscription to Writer's Market, online. If you'd like me to do any searches for you, for magazines, publishers, agents, etc, which may be looking for someone of your talents and experience, I'd be happy to do so. Are there any headhunters whom you might contact to see if they could find something for you, even temp. or freelance? I don't know your field so I am just asking.:-)

Thinking of you with good wishes and prosperity,
