The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88694   Message #1671545
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Feb-06 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
And that's the alternative viewpoint of the whole thing. ;-)

You see, either viewpoint sounds perfectly credible as long as you accept the its basic proposition...that the guys it identifies as the bad guys really ARE the bad guys. And everything else just automatically flows from there...

That is why people with opposing viewpoints can't agree on these things, and probably never will.

To put it simply: one group thinks the USA, Britain, and Israel are the bad guys, because they are out there building empires, and don't care who they step on to do it.

The other group doesn't see that at all, thinks the USA, Britain, and Israel are representing goodness and progress and are under attack by vicious religions fanatic scoundrels.

Either side will always find plenty of real evidence to back up their claims....and they WILL not respect or countenance the view of the opposing side. That's partisanship.