The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88908   Message #1672018
Posted By: wysiwyg
18-Feb-06 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
Bruce, or anyone else to whom this applies,

If you harassed anyone (according to their own definition of it), and failed to respect boundaries as laid out, GO.

If you used anonymity to argue with yourself in threads, GO.

If you cultivated needy people to rely on you for your own satisfaction, GO.

If you failed to respect warnings from any site administrators, GO.

ON THE OTHER HAND, if you did not-- WORK THINGS OUT WITH JOE. (Now, long before your time, I had to do that myself, so I am sharing personal experience, not preaching.)

Joe has seen it all, on the internet in general and at Mudcat in specific. He's in charge because he's the right guy to be in charge. If you aren't getting along with Joe, and you don't like the consequences, it's on YOU to seek reconciliation. That's just a fact, and it applies equally to us all.


Azizi, most of the people who you might expect to defend you in any way aren't at Mudcat often enough to see every thread, and few of us read all the threads. Many of us, in fact, just don't even look into the threads we KNOW are only going to stir up shit-- for our own mental health! If you really can't take it here anymore, that's your business; I'll respect your decision either way and wish you the best. But if you are going to decide it on the basis that people saw and failed to object to anyone mistreating you-- that would be a decision based on a misunderstanding of how Mudcat actually functions.


Kat, that was a great suggestion. But as you must know, it would just put the muck-posting on a temporary suspension during the moratorium. People would hold off doing it, just to make Joe look bad. Joe doesn't need for us to know what he knows. Max can review his decisions at any time, and that's between them.


The rest of you-- most of you posting in this thread are new enough to Mudcat not to know my own history here, so I'd suggest that you be thoughtful about exposing immature assumptions if you feel you MUST answer this post which I've addressed specifically to a few individuals, not to the community at large.
