The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88908   Message #1672206
Posted By: Ron Davies
18-Feb-06 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go

Particularly your attacks on Art Thieme, a talented man, and a good man (which you never try to be) and your attacks on Dick Greenhaus (can't remember why you attacked him--but then you never need a reason)--are way beyond the pale. That's just this year.

Then there are your vulgarisms for women, your ridicule of losing a child, and your ridicule of handicapped people, as well as your absurd attacks on Pete Seeger and your oh-so-subtle remarks on Kwanzaa. Anybody who thinks you've improved has a short memory and/or doesn't read very carefully. If the moderators have a leash on you, it needs to be shortened.

I can easily deal with you--the web is a medium of words--not your strong suit.

In fact, if you concentrated all your venom on me and left everybody else alone all the time, things would be a lot better around here.