The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88874   Message #1672438
Posted By: Auggie
18-Feb-06 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cheney To Resign Soon
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney To Resign Soon
Where in George Bush's "mandate" did we authorize him to spend a small fortune in human life and borrowed money to introduce the idea of democracy to the Iraqi people? I thought it his responsibility to protect and serve us, the "American People", not the whole danged planet. Regardless of how beneficial this war has been to the Iraqis, it has not served those of us here in the US who fought and financed it.

A generation ago my father, who had been an officer in the US Army infantry, was discerning enough to realize that, however noble, the conflict in Southeast Asia was not worth the life of his son. A generation later, I am discerning enough to realize the introduction of democracy to Iraq, however noble, is not worth the life of my son. Remember when we were young and decried the idea of old men sending young men out to die without a compelling reason? Did the rules change, the paradigm shift, now that we are the old men?

Certainly only a fool would fail to honor those who served in these conflicts and those who gave family members in these causes, and only a fool would fail to view such individauls with a measure of higher regard well above that due all others. To those of you who fall into either catagory, I mean no disrespect. But, as to an administration who has cavalierly risked the lives of our military for ill-defined goals supported by illogical reasoning, well, I find my level of respect falling accordingly.

I don't know anymore what exactly these Bush/Cheney people in my government are, but I know they are not conservatives.

Condi vs. Hillary ? God help us all.