The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88908   Message #1672467
Posted By: Big Mick
18-Feb-06 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
Subject: RE: BS: Peace, Brucie, Bruce Don't go
See how easy it is to hijack a thread? Martin makes a crack and then sits back and laughs at how you all dance. From that one crack, we are now going down several roads that are unrelated to the thread. As much as you all profess to hate Martin, you sure like to let him use you.

Back to the subject at hand. I dislike public exits more than most things on this or any site. They aren't about leaving, they are about getting folks to beg you to stay. They are usually accompanied by some weak statement that attempts to justify the public exit. If you really want to leave, just do it and save us all the histrionics.

To the specific cases in this thread I say, we will be poorer for your leaving, but if you feel the need then fair winds. If this really is about disgust at some of the reactions to you by bigots, or perceived bigots, then I don't understand. Leaving is what they want you to do. Why would you ever give an adversary what they want. If it is about no one leaping to your defense, then I would say it is time for some deep introspection.

In either case, I will miss your posts and hope that you decide to stay.
