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Thread #88694   Message #1672634
Posted By: akenaton
19-Feb-06 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: The coming war with Iran?
Its all been said very succinctly by Little Hawk.
Its about opinions. You believe John Pilger to be talking crap because what he says dosen't fit in with your ideology, I tend to believe the opposite for the same reasons.

The "facts" used to take us to war in Iraq should make any sensible person wary of following the line promoted by the UK/USA govts.

Your refuting of the points made in Pilgers article simply don't make sense, you are only parroting the Bush /Blair official line without taking into account evidence which has come into the public domain since bush claimed "victory"

The "Forsaking Diplomacy" point is a typical example, Bush and Blair keeping up a pretense of diplomacy when the actual decision to go to war had been taken previously.

I am more optimistic about Iran as I dont believe the American people will allow themselves to be fooled again.
If they or the UK public do sanction another war in the Middle East they certainly can't use the excuse that they were misled when the chickens come home to roost...Ake