The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86077   Message #1672657
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
19-Feb-06 - 05:15 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth Folk Week 2006
Subject: RE: Sidmouth Folk Week 2006
And...when I quoted this above, from you site:

"..One person said that she was glad to get rid of the International Festival and all the arena events, which she saw as overpriced. She saw the 'new-look' Folk Week as being much more in the spirit of the 'old days'. Her view, that the town is glad to be rid of all the 'excess' of the Steve Heap years is one shared by many local people and some older folkies..."

..and then put my response above, there was one thing I forgot to add, mainly because I was raging at the time and not thinking straight (!)

It was Steve Heap's Sidmouth which brought me to live in this town in the first place and for that I will always be very grateful, because it has given me a music that I love. However, I would still have chosen to come and live here if I had wandered into Sidmouth during last year's Folk Week. The atmosphere in both festivals was (and is) palpable. It is something very precious and should never be undermined, in my opinion.

A lot of local people loved The Arena, myself being one of them, but we also realise the huge financial risk that goes with it and that having the main festival events in the heart of the town is an extremely good idea.

You also I think forgot to mention Eddie Upton/Derek Schofield talking about last year's Folk Week. Explaining that when they first started last year, there was *no* money, but they struggled on and very quickly they were being swamped with support from artists and visitors alike.

Also, when you mentioned this:

"...In passing, Eddie Upton noted that a member of the Old Rope String Band had been killed by a hit and run driver - the band had since reformed into the New Rope String Band and would perform in the Manor Pavilion..." did not report that properly either!

Eddie made a *special* point of telling people how *very* pleased he was that The New Rope String Band were coming to Sidmouth this year. He explained the tragedy of Joe's death and that of his friend Keith too...his voice almost cracking with emotion at times..and then he said how thrilled he was to hear that the band was continuing to play and that they would be in The Manor Pavillion during Folk Week.

In no way was that done 'In Passing', it was done with much tenderness and emotion, and I am sure that their concert will bring many a tear to people, but also a deep feeling of happiness that Joe's memory lives on through his music and his friends. And here they all are:

And here is the Old Rope String Band as well:

I very much hope to be able to see them, although I've a feeling they will probably sell out very quickly.

And last night, in my town, Folk Week Winter Reunion took place and once again the pubs were filled with musicians and singers.....and it was wonderful!

Lizzie :0)