The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1672709
Posted By: Bobert
19-Feb-06 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Is this the same Judith Miller who ordered that Scott Ritter be blackballed by the New York Times news department???


Looks like Scott was on the money all the way with this one but since he wasn't speaking "office-speak" it didn't matter is he was right... Right???

What Teribus hasn't allowed himself to internalize is this entire idea of "culture" or "office speak" that both the New York Times and Washington Post news departments have confessed to becoming part of... I guess T doesn't remember those days where nationalism and patriotism were the hammers that scared alot of folks into believing the lies so readily...

Hitler is siad to have said that "The people will believe the big lie" and this was sure enough the corneerstone of the Bush War Michine's PR in selling the American people of the need to take out Iraq before Iraq took the US out...

Yeah, if you want revisionism, all you need do is read a little of T-Revisionist's posts... Yeah, he never gives up on making chicken salad out of the droppings from thwe floor of the hen house...
