The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88941   Message #1672829
Posted By: wysiwyg
19-Feb-06 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: How Do Mudcat Story Threads Work?
Subject: RE: BS: How Do Mudcat Story Threads Work?
GMS, of course. That's why this is not a thread of rules, but an opportunity for those who have been respected Mudcat story writers to describe their experience of the best of the stories they created.

Thanks, Amos, for the extension and further description of what I understood you were trying to convey. It's a delicate point, isn't it? I think the thing most of the veterans seemed to have in common was a willingness to really absorb the others' contributions and take the time to reflect and mentally explore where they might lead, before firing off an instant post to "trump" the other writers. More than any other threads, the story threads seem to call upon writers to be thorough READERS, first. Cooperation, rather than competition, in the story development.

Would someone like to comment on use of third-person voice? Is a character always described by the outside view? Is there a reason to do it that way as opposed to the writer "being" the character by using a first-person voicing?

And what was the first Mudcat story thread, anyway? (Let's hear from THOSE writers!) What got it going-- had you encountered the form elsewhere?
