The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86077   Message #1672866
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
19-Feb-06 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth Folk Week 2006
Subject: RE: Sidmouth Folk Week 2006
Manitas I'll try but, it is *so* difficult to keep from going blue when 'red' is all around me! I've literally just got back from The Radway and The Anchor in town, and the happiness and feeling of community that I saw makes you feel very emotional. For *anyone* to want to undermine Sidmouth Folk Week or seek to destroy such an atmosphere is totally beyond belief, it really is.

I know that what Stevie puts on here is no longer taken seriously but even still upsets me that someone can say such things about Sidmouth, when for so very long it has been such an inspiration in so many people's lives. Ah to leave him to it, I think. I've said far more than I should have anyway. Must write on my computer screen "Do not go near keyboard whilst frothing wildly at the mouth!" ;0)

Not long to Folk Week though...and as all those happy people in The Anchor called out about 30 minutes ago, hugging each other lovingly whilst bidding farewell to one another....

"See you in the first week of August!"

I'm sure they did this in The Radway as well of course, it was just that I was in The Anchor at the time, having been in The Radway earlier. Thanks to everyone for a brilliant weekend of music and songs, depsite the rain pouring down, and it was lovely to finally meet some of you.....and a great big hug to (((Dave Earl)))too! ;0)

Lizzie :0)