The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88973   Message #1673735
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
20-Feb-06 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Good folks
Subject: Good folks
Last summer when I went home to Wisconsin for my Mother's 98th birthday, her one request was that I play some music at one of her birthday parties. (She always has at least three.) I didn't want to lug a guitar with me, but she was sure I could rent one when I got out there. As soon as I arrived, I went through the Yellow Pages and started making calls. The only music store in the area that rented instruments was out of business, and after a couple of days of asking everyone we could think of, it looked like I wouldn't be able to find one. Finally, I went back to the Yellow Pages and saw an ad for someone who sold instruments out of his home. I called the number and Don Rummelhoff answered. I explained my situation and how much it would mean to my Mother, and he immediately agreed to let me have a guitar. When I asked him how much he'd charge for renting one for the weekend, he said he wouldn't ask for anything. He told me to just come over to his house and pick out a guitar and an amplifier (I was playing in a nursing home without a sound system.) At that point, he hadn't even asked my name. When I got to his house, he gave me a choice of several guitars to use. The one I picked was a hollow body electric with autographs of Kenny Chesney and George Strait on it. It had beautiful action and coupled with an expensive amplifier, the sound was great. When I offered to put down a deposit, he refused. He didn't want to see any identification... just gave me the guitar and amp completely on trust. The birthday party was very joyful and my family really appreciated my doing a few songs, calling out requests. When I returned the guitar and amp, Don wouldn't take any money for the rental, so I sent him some CDs in appreciation.

About a month ago, I got a phone call from my home town newspaper. They were doing a story on Don as a "Person Who Makes A Difference."
He's quietly been doing good deeds for many years... just giving instruments to kids in poor families who can't afford to buy them, and giving instruments as prizes in local competitions for kids.

Don is definitely a "Good Folks." Funny thing is, it never occurred to me to ask if he was a Republican or Democrat or whether he believed in God. I didn't even ask if he likes to shop at Walmart!
Good folks (like bad folks) come in all sizes and shapes, religions, political and sexual persuasions. The only "label" required is the one the paper gave to Don.. "A Person Who Makes A Difference."

Got any candidates?
