The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17354   Message #167422
Posted By: Mikal
23-Jan-00 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: Age and being excited by music
Subject: RE: Age and being excited by music
Lordy! Being excited by music?

I cry when I sing "Carrickfergus"...

I laugh when a good fiddle tune is played...

I gaze at my past with unseeing eyes when I sing any of the old songs...

I am old. Way too old to daydream. But music does that to me. I will hear a song and run to memorize it. If it moves me, (and few don't, it seems...) I want to have it for my own. (And when they aren't exciting anymore, I write the ones that will make me laugh or cry.)

Perhaps that is the problem. You don't feel they are "yours."
