The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88973   Message #1674485
Posted By: freda underhill
20-Feb-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: Good folks
Subject: RE: Good folks
This is great, Jerry. I could talk about a number of people, my top three being Sandra in Sydney, Jennyo and Bob Bolton, who all bring wonderful music to people in Sydney by running clubs and venues, for the love of it.

But I would like to talk about my older brother, Rob, a barrister, who has helped a huge number of people by taking on their cases for free. As a young lawyer he assisted on a number of cases including the Franklin Dam case against the Tasmanian government, a case that was a huge win for environmentalists in Australia.

For many years he gave free legal advice over the radio to listeners, always qualified by the understanding that he could only talk in consideration of the info provided. Even his neighbours, an older Polish couple, didn't know that they were entitled to compensation as former work camp interees of the German government. He let them know what they were entitled to, and assisted them over a period of years in providing documents and answering questions. They now have a regular pernsion from the German government, as acknowledgement of the hardships they endured as slaves and the loss of their liveliehood in the second world war. They were not interested in the money - the psychological impact of an apology, an acknowledgement of their suffering and reparation gave them a sense of empowerment and victory, at last, over the evil government that had treated them as sub-human.

He is a great person, but most people who know him have no idea of the sort of cases he takes on, in his spare time.
