The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17354   Message #167460
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
24-Jan-00 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: Age and being excited by music
Subject: RE: Age and being excited by music
I remember reading somewhere back in my youth (early/mid 1970's euurghhh!) that some computer had predicted that all permutations of the standard music octaves would have been used by the year 2000. Perhaps this is why you feel like you've heard it before - look at how many 'pop' tunes are based on classical pieces (the truly dreadful 'If I had words' by Scot & Yvonne Keely that was a direct lift of Saint Saens organ concerto, shudder....)and then look how many classical pieces are a direct lift of a folk tune - even my beloved Mozart plagerised..... Maybe there are no more original tunes left...... what a terrible thought!

And who ever it was who professed a dislike of Rap - they missed a letter off there I think!