The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17350   Message #167524
Posted By: GUEST,T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)
24-Jan-00 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jolly Brewman? / Jolly Broom Man
Subject: RE: Jolly Brewman
The song is "Hey Jolly BROOM man". The tune is a country-dance melody called "Jamaica", or "The Jovial Broom Man". The first verse it, approximately,

Room for a lad that's come from seas
Hey, Jolly Broom Man
and gladly now would take his ease
and therefore make me room, man
To France, the Netherlands and Spain
Hey, Jolly Broom Man
I crossed the seas and back again
and therefore make me room, man
