The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1675773
Posted By: GUEST,Natasha Smasher
22-Feb-06 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
"I've heard that song before,"said a voice by her side, and Magenta looked up to see three women walking in, Jennyo, in a peach coloured crushed velvet shawl, Sandra in Sydney wearing a fine new hat, and Freda, carrying an embroidered bag and her sketchbook and pencils.

"He's singing Ryebuck Shearer, but he's changed the words". Jennyo ordered a guinness, and wandered across to check out this long and lanky lagerphone lout.

"Where's JennyG," said Pam? "She's at her skiing lessons - she & himself are off to Alaska to find a few penguin eggs." Sandra ordered a soda water, and joined Jennyo to have a chat with aussiebloke. Someone turned the jukebox on... It was the Atlantics.. their guitars screaming their way through Bombora!

Magenta listened as the music throbbed and crowds of men swarmed about her.