The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1675781
Posted By: John MacKenzie
22-Feb-06 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Just then a tired old man limped in struggling under the weight of an instrument case, we hobbled up to the bar and said, "Hiv ye got ony McEwan's or mebbes a drappie o' Deuchars Ale, insteed o' thon never endin' bloody ower cauld lagers?" "Strewth mate" said the barman "I didn't understand a word of that" "Bluidy Greek barmen" said the man.
"Well as sure as ah'm the heid o' the Clan McGoolie ah've nivver seen a country like this fur cauld beer."
Just then he spotted two women entering the bar, one with white hair and one with black, it reminded him of a whisky he didn't like, Black and White. The one with the black hair was wearing stilleto heels with jeans, he had never liked this style before but that woman certainly changed his mind.
Och weel he thought time tae get ma instrument oot. Bending down with great difficulty he opened his green Calton case and took out his Martin D28, and started to sing, My Lady's a Wild Flying dove while keeping an eye on the two lovely ladies.............................