The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88941   Message #1675853
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Feb-06 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: How Do Mudcat Story Threads Work?
Subject: RE: BS: How Do Mudcat Story Threads Work?
Janie, you've been doing fine. Please keep going with it. I am a writer, but I'de never written in a collaborative way, ever, esp. fiction, until coming to the Mudcat. I paid attention to the Masters and, I hope, learned to hold my own.

Even though my op/ed column was being published in the real world, it took me a long time to even claim to be a writer, in my 3D life. Once I hit Mudcat, I found I really was writing every day and some of it was pretty good. Mudcat really helped me along as a writer.

I, too, enjoy the asides, except for the nasties. Most asides are sometimes like an audience which breaks out into spontaneous applause, hisses, and boos as in a melodrama performance and that makes it even more fun.

Amos, didn't the Golden Globes come out of the Himmalya(sp) story?