The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3376   Message #16760
Posted By:
27-Nov-97 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Roast Beef of Old England
Subject: ADD: The Roast Beef of Old England
This is just one of those songs. You can sure tell they weren't bothered by cholesterol back then.

copied from "Songs of England V.1" copyright middle or late 1800s

words and music by Leveridge

The Roast Beef of Old England

When mighty roast beef was the Englishman's food,
It enobled our hearts and enriched our blood,
Our soldiers were brave, and our courtiers were good.
O! The Roast Beef of old England!
And O! For England's Roast Beef!

Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song--
O! The Roast Beef of old England!
And O! For England's Roast Beef!

When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
O! The Roast Beef of old England!
And O! For England's Roast Beef!