The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88987   Message #1676184
Posted By: Scoville
22-Feb-06 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
Subject: RE: BS: Names that have gone out of style...
Jason, Justin, Troy, Amber, Gertrude

I never knew a Gertrude my age (b. mid-1970's) but I sure knew a load of the rest of those, here in the U.S.

I went to high school (class of 1996) with a bunch of Jennifers, Jessicas, Michelles, Heathers, Amys, Ambers, Brittanys, Mollys, etc. Then, I got to college and everyone was C/Katherine. There were also Ruth, Hazel, Nettie, Celia (her sister was Lucinda), Evelyn, Elise, Lydia, Nora, Imogene, Delphia, and Burgundy. My given name is Alethea and there were TWO of us. The name selection changed completely even though the kids were the same age group. It was bizarre. My cousins all have "serious" names (Anna, Mary, Caitlin, David, etc.).

My brother is Carl, which is somewhat odd for a guy in his mid-20's. My one grandmother was Ruth Helen. I could have been a Ruth and not minded. I don't mind my real name but it's a pain to have to explain it/spell it/pronounce it all the time (ah-LEH-thee-ah). My other grandmother was Josephine Mary and I wouldn't want either one of those. I lisp so I could never be an Ethel or an Edith.

I find myself rebelling at the latest trend in cutesy naming. Sorry, but I don't want to find out 20 years from now that my brain surgeon is named Mykynzy or Gabbryell, as I recently saw suggested on a baby-name site when I was looking for a name for a foster cat. Yeesh. Give a kid some dignity. I've decided if I ever have kids they're getting one "normal", or at least traditional and recognizable name, and one oddball one so they can be distinctive without having to to live with a "weird" name every day.