The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89029   Message #1676424
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
22-Feb-06 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
Ron Olesko, actually I was referring to postngs here at Mudcat; you are correct about Rush-whom I never listen to except in passing, and Ann Coulter. I love her, but I also take her with a grain of salt.

As to politicians as the object of satire, I love satire when it is witty, but not malicious. I appreciated, anog others, Phil Ochs' "Here's to the State of Mississippi" for its irony and "Love Me I'm a Liberal"; "Barry's Boys" done by the Chad Mitchell Trio--but not "Ronnie's Boys", forced humor; and of more recent vintage the Capitol Steps and the Foremen.