The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1676811
Posted By: freda underhill
23-Feb-06 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
..and The dark eyed visitor, without a twitch, rolled into a new song..

a noble whale ship and commander
called the Catalpa, they say
she sailed into Western Australia
and took six poor Fenians away

so come all you screw warders and jailers
remember Perth regatta day
take care of the rest of your Fenians
or the Yankees will steal them away

you kept them in Western Australia
till their hair it began to turn grey
when a Yank from the States of America
came out here and stole them away

now all the Perth boats were a-racing
and making short tacks fot the spot
but the Yankee she tacked into Fremantle
and took the best prize of the lot

so come all you screw warders and jailers
remember Perth regatta day
take care of the rest of your Fenians
or the Yankees will steal them away

the Georgette armed with bold warriors
went out the poor Yanks to arrest
but she hoisted her star-spangled banner
saying you'll not board me i guess

so remember those six Fenians colonial
and sing o'er these few verses with skill
and remember the Yankee that stole them
and the home that they left on the hill

so come all you screw warders and jailers
remember Perth regatta day
take care of the rest of your Fenians
or the Yankees will steal them away..

Magenta's foot was thumping and she found herself singing along. All this music seemed familiar, a strange sense of deja vu was creeping through her, as she looked about the room she felt overwhelmed by the brightness of colours, the shapes, sounds and smells in the room, and as she sang along, the pub door opened and who should enter the room but