The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89049   Message #1677284
Posted By: Bobert
23-Feb-06 - 09:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: LSD and psychotherapy
Subject: RE: BS: LSD and psychotherapy
Well, I hate to break up the cyber-flashback so I won't...

The year was 1969 and it was Lenny Lancaster's wedding out at this farm outside Richmonmd and, well, there were a couple rock bands, a hip preacher to do the duties and bunch of hippies and the brides family dressed up in their Sunday best...

Well, Lenny had been "thought" to be like some kingpin in the distribution network and if you don't know what I mean here you have accidently opened the wrong thread...

So, seein' as this was the scene everyone knew that the local narcotics guy would somehow be there... Actually, I was a little asurprised to see Sgt. Joe "Piggin" Higgins and his boys there but everything was real cool because unlike other hippie get togeters that weren't quite a big a deal, everything that had any mind alterin' capabilities was cooked into the food... Ever hear of "electric chili"???

Now don't anyone say that Richmond hippies weren't a friendly byunch so we just invited Sgt. Joe and the boys to join in the celebartion and, of course, to partake of the food which they did...

Well, all I can say is the chili was dynomite and all of narcs had a big bowl and hmmmmmmm? I think somethin' done got them boys real messed up because they tried to leave and got their unmarked fuzzmobile off the driveway and down into a ditch... All I can remember is a tow truck coming to tow 'um home and bunch of narcs laughing and carryiin' on waitin' on that tow truck...

True story...

Chili, anyone???
