The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89029   Message #1677358
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
23-Feb-06 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
Ron- I agree with you when you that taste and acceptance of comedy has changed--for me not for the better. I would take the politcal humor of Mort Sahl Tom Lehrer or Vaughn Meader over a John Stewart or Bill (potty mouth) Maher anyday. The first three did not resort to four letter words to make a point, or mean spirited attacks. In other words, they used a velvet glove, not a claw hammer to make their points.
I did not mean that mudcatters call themselves far right or far left, I meant they mostly call others far right. I don't believe I have ever seen the term far left here.
Ann Coulter is my Michael Moore, but prettier.

Art- Your post of 10:38 AM sounds a bit Humpty Dumpty-ish to me. "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less." Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

I thank you both for your responses, but I respectfully disagree with your points.