The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1677364
Posted By: Ron Davies
23-Feb-06 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
With your unerring accuracy, Teribus, you have missed the point yet again.

Congratulations! You bid fair to set a record for the most obtuse Bush apologist in history.

Nobody argues that the propaganda campaign against Iraq had started as of 16 Sept 2001 (a mere 5 days after 9-11.)

However, by 8 Sept 2002, it was in full swing--and unrelenting, right up til the March 2003 invasion (and beyond of course.)

You have told us--totally falsely, and repeatedly-- (your nose must be several miles long by now)--- that you have provided a clear statement, from the period mid-2002 up til the March 2003 invasion, in which a Bush spokesman clearly denied any link between Saddam and 9-11.

You have already admitted that you know that is the assignment--and whined to us, with   the (again false) accusation that it had changed. It has not changed.

Based on your, rather boring, truth be told, harping on the 16 Sept 2001 Meet the Press-- (outside the period in question) and the Sept 2002 Meet the Press-- (by no means a clear disassociation, as we have agonizingly explained to you, more than once, to say the least)--- I'm forced to the conclusion that you have no other possible quote--your two favorites being totally worthless, as I've just again explained-- in the entire 6 month period.

(For extra credit you can diagram that sentence).

Surely you can find just one quote to fit the specifications.. After all, you've already (falsely) alleged that you've provided several.

So here I sit, still with the patience of Job, you'll be happy to hear, hoping against hope for you to actually do what you say (falsely) you've already done.

Eagerly awaiting your next prevarication (oops, I mean posting)