The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89029   Message #1677480
Posted By: GUEST,Eric Bram
24-Feb-06 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
Subject: RE: Folk Songs of the Far Right Wing
I see most of this discussion deteriorated -- almost immediately -- into the usual left/right name-calling.

My own experience with folk music (trying to keep what I have to say on point, related strictly to folk singing) is that there are few if any right-wing -- or even conservative -- folk singers, unless you want to include the "Jesus music" crowd. On the other hand, there are definitely quite a number of what I would call left-wing folk singers. These are folks who don't usually play traditional folk songs, but have a large repertoire of what I would call "protest songs." It's hard to play with these folks, because their songs generally badmouth or ridicule people whose politics they disagree with. Further, they expect everyone in the audience to have the same worldview as they do. These people are very polarizing when they sing, and while personally they are usually very nice, friendly people, who don't think they are doing any harm, to those who don't agree with them politically their songs come across as quite mean-spirited indeed.

I would say the same about right-wing folk singers, except I haven't met any. There are certainly anti-left (usually comedy) songs out there, but I never hear them around a campfire for instance, or at other "folk music" gatherings.