The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17311   Message #167749
Posted By: Lanfranc
24-Jan-00 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: poet songs
Subject: RE: poet songs
An interesting thread that seems to be petering out. A few points raised from postings since my last.

Alex Atterson died a couple of years ago, but did leave behind a couple of albums, probably only available secondhand now. I have one and would be happy to provide a tape if required.

Paul McNeill and I used to run the London Troubadour on Tuesday nights around 1970, back in the days when he sang with Linda Peters (later Thompson). I haven't heard from or of him for years. The last I heard he was living rough so the prognosis isn't good. If Don Meixner has a copy of any of his albums I'd love a copy. All I have left is a worn-out copy of his first album for Decca and the single of "You Ain't Going Nowhere" he made with Linda.

Peter Bellamy's versions of Kipling's Barrack Room Ballads are brilliant.

On e e cummings, how do you sing in lower case?