The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1677954
Posted By: Arne
24-Feb-06 - 03:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
And now, for the benefit of the Dubya maladministration shills. we have this:
Andrew Sullivan takes a gander at Steven Cambone's notes and concludes that "My confidence that there was no deliberate misleading of the American people after 9/11 just slipped a notch." What changed his mind? This:
The most revealing items, of course, are the following: in discussing whether Iraq could have been involved, the notes say: "judge whether good enough [to] hit S.H. at same time." Later comes: "Hard to get a good case." Then there's this: "Go massive ... Sweep it all up. Things related and not."